
We strongly believe that the Apex Quality of Service comes only from living a well-balanced life and giving back to the communities, of which we are a part.  For this reason we participate in a few Community Outreach Programs each year. This year we have chosen Urban Peak, and we’ll soon be announcing dates in hopes that you may join us in volunteering to prepare and serve meals to approximately 80- 90 youths in need.
Founded in 1988, Urban Peak is the only non-profit organization in Denver that provides a full convergence of services for youths, ages 15 – 24, experiencing homelessness or an imminent risk of becoming homeless. The goal of this organization is to help youths overcome real life challenges and become self-sufficient adults.  
They do this, by providing Five Essential Services at little or no cost: 

  • Overnight Shelter
  • Daytime Drop-In Center
  • Street Outreach
  • Education & Employment Programming
  • Supportive Housing

Also, we will be announcing a Sponsored Team Race for this upcoming Spring/Summer to help raise funds for meal costs at Urban Peak centers.  Stay tuned, our valued clients will receive this information as soon as we have finalized the plans. Thank you for your support–no matter how you do it–as we join our contributing partners in local communities.  Thank you!