Auto . disability . Liability . Worker's comp Claims



An independent medical examination (IME) occurs when a medical expert examines a patient who has not previously been involved in that physician’s care.  An IME is requested when there are questions surrounding causation,  impairment, and/or the appropriateness of care.  The examination consists of a comprehensive review of the file provided; a physical examination of the patient; and the generation of a written report or a verbal opinion to discuss findings.


Apex IME offers targeted Medical Bill Reviews to help identify and document excessive or fraudulent provider billing. Our qualified reviewers use their experience and widely accepted resources in analyzing specific billing statements to evaluate the cost of treatment rendered in relation to industry standards.


A Medical Records Review (MRR) is utilized to assist in evaluating cases without the need of a physical examination. The focus of a Medical Records Review is to assess causation, impairment, and/or the appropriateness of care and to provide an informed, expert opinion relevant to the client-specified review type.  Depending upon the facts and circumstances of the case, a Medical Records Review can be a valuable cost saving option in lieu of scheduling an Independent Medical Examination.

"Bring us your highest expectations."

Apex IME Team

Who We Are | What We Do

Apex IME came about as a result of our team of Medical Marketing and Legal Professionals recognizing the need for Customized Services and Communications between various parties involved in the Medical/Legal process.  We realized–not only–could we offer a return to Classic Service,  but that we could do so while providing a much more Cost-Effective Menu of Medical/Legal Expertise in the process as well.